DeafDigest - 10 June 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 10, 2016   -- hearing maintenance people cannot read A deaf woman, bothered by pest control people that barge into her apartment unanounced, posted a sign that said: High Risk! Asthma, deaf tenant - do not treat or enter Not surprisingly these pest control people still entered her apartment, ignoring the sign. In fact, she was taking a shower one time when they barged in. As a result, she is filing a lawsuit on invasion of privacy. A picture is at:   -- sort of Schedule A in a city Deaf federal government employees know what Schedule A means. It allows deaf applicants to get government jobs faster, and ahead of, hearing applicants. In Taguig, a city in the the Philippines, the government sort of has a Schedule A for deaf job applicants. The government has made hiring of the deaf a high priority.   -- another Nyle Nyle already won two big TV contests. Are we having another one? D.J. Demers, who is deaf and from Canada, has advanced to the next round in TV's America's Got Talent. One judge said he has been performing great, much better than other contestants.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Deaf Culture disagreement by controversial person 06/05/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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