DeafDigest - 10 June 2018

DeafDigest Blue - June 10, 2018
Blue Edition - updated every Monday
Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 22nd year
Employment ads web site:
Last week's ASL Videos in youtube
This week's ASL videos in youtube
Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update)
-- early years advocate for deaf truck drivers
The Silent Network, the nations first national Deaf/Hard of Hearing
television network, which started in 1979, has been hard at work on its
major preservation efforts of thousands of hours of past Deaf/HOH
broadcast TV shows for the benefit of todays viewers.
Viewers can now enjoy watching the digitally re-mastered shows
as well as brand new shows at Shows are added regularly.
Viewers can watch on their TV, tablet, mobile device, or computer.
Visit for more background information or
watch the shows at
Join and support this major historical undertaking!
Saturday's Deaf Picture for your surprise
Top stories about the deaf:
There is a Walmart not really too far from Gallaudet
University. A former deaf shift supervisor, himself
a Gallaudet graduate, filed a lawsuit, accusing
Walmart for not providing him with accommodations.
EEOC is helping him out.
The SAB Foundation Tholoana Enterprise Programme (South
Africa) has been encouraging young deaf adults to become
self-supporting entrepreneurs. They are being given
training, workshops and mentorships.
Neil Maes, 13 years old and deaf, is in the Maryland
Spelling Bee competition.
The state has given Arizona State Schools for the Deaf
and Blind funds to create home instruction teachers that
would visit family homes of deaf children to mentor
the parents.
A deaf patient at the now-closed National Deaf Academy
was cited as an example in defining the line between
negligence and medical malpractice. In a fit of anger
she injured herself and it became a permanent disability.
Staffers tried to restrain her - to no avail.
It was brought up by a Medical Malpractice columnist.
position opening
Associate Athletic Director for Student-Athlete Success
Gallaudet University
Washington, DC
go to:
Unlock the phone with CapTel® Captioned Telephone! CapTel shows
word-for-word captions of everything a caller says over the phone, letting
you read everything that they say - Like captions on TV – for the phone!
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For more info about CapTel or any of the many assistive listening devices
we offer, email:
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
CapTel® Captioned Telephone – See What Everyone is Talking About!
weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions: (updated every Monday)
This week's ASL video in youtube
    Deaf researchers and deaf historians use their
video equipment to tape signed interviews with
older deaf people. This is for deaf history
    Do they interview older hearing people for
deaf history archives?
    One deaf man wanted to know more about his
famous deaf grandfather. He went to a small town
where the grandfather grew up and asked questions
with some older hearing people. They all gave
him plenty of tales!
- for ASL News version with captions, please visit:
Lip reading tale
A deaf man was chatting with a hearing man
The deaf man thought the hearing man said:
My wife is bad
He actually said:
My wifi is bad
This week's ASL video in youtube
    Many of us go to restaurants with our friends
and we chat in ASL while eating our meals.
    And sometimes hearing people stare at us.
We are not comfortable when hearing people stare
at us.
    What is the best trick to stop them from staring
at us? Just give them the ABC Fingerspelling cards!
    They will be so busy learning fingerspelling that
they will stop staring at us.
- for ASL News version with captions, please visit:
A question that people often ask me is "Who hired you to be here?"  What
they are really usually asking is "Who is paying you?"
Some people think that the users or consumers of our services have to pay
for a CART captioner to be present at an event. However, usually a
college, university, court, company, or agency will hire the CART
captioner because they are required to provide accommodations or equal
access under the law.
There are a number of laws that govern accessibility for people with a
hearing loss, including the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973.
Some people with a hearing loss think that they could not use the services
of a CART captioner because they could not afford to pay for them.  But
most public and many private entities are obligated to provide
communication access.  These include places of employment, public and
private educational institutions, and performances and events open to the
If you or someone you know could benefit from the services of a CART
captioner, you may want to investigate your rights to equal access under
the law.
For postings, announcements and employment ad rates,
please email
News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago:
    Firehouse Gallaudet! Yes, Gallaudet will be housing
a fire engine company, albeit on a temporary basis.
    The company, located at 13th and Florida Ave NE, has
been shut down for renovations and was in need of temporary
    Gallaudet stepped in, offering the use of one of its
buildings on the outer edges of the campus for use by
the fire company. Fire trucks going in and out of the
temporary fire house will not be noticed by people
walking around on the campus.
    As a fitting touch, the Firehouse Gallaudet will need
a Dalmatian. It is not for the sake of tradition, but
for the sake of symbolism. Many Dalmatians are deaf.
And Gallaudet University educates the deaf.
News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago:
The Regal movie chain said they have spent over 12 million
dollars to outfit their moviehouses with caption glasses.
yet, this is what the deaf love to hate!
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weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: (updated every Monday)
Employment ads web site is at:
Copyright 2018 by Barry Strassler, DeafDigest.
the employment ads section:
All new jobs are immediately posted

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