DeafDigest - 10 June 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 10, 2020 -- the hearing aid and the deaf There was a report by one university research team that 20 percent of people that have hearing aids do not use this device. Does this include deaf people that function as hearing? Or is it mostly profoundly deaf people that do not use hearing aids? Do not know.   -- the deaf protester and the interpreter Many deaf people have participated in the national Black Lives Matter protests. For them, there is a danger that many hearing protesters (and even the police) are not aware of. Interpreters accompany these deaf protesters and the risk is that in the mass crowding confusion, interpeters get lost. This leaves the deaf protesters at risk and jeopardy!   -- Almost a Deaf Cigarette Years ago, cigarettes were popular as smoking was socially acceptable. Not any more, but there is a tale associated with deaf chemist Sterling White that just departed us. He was a senior research chemist with the RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company. He developed a new cigarette prototype that tasted like a bubble gum. This experiment failed because the "bubble gum" cigarette would get spoiled fast sitting on the store shelves!     Deaf jobs - latest update 06/07/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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