DeafDigest - 10 March 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 10, 2014 -- interpreters that are accused of wrongdoing There are deaf jobseekers that are being interviewed. There are deaf students that take classroom exams. There are deaf patients that go to doctors. When things do not go well - no job offer, flunking the exam, illness still continuing, etc, some of these disappointed deaf clients blame interpreters. Our interpreters are not at fault, and they do not deserve anger by the deaf. There is a big discussion on an interpreting yahoogroup titled "deaf students lying against interpreters"!   -- video relay services at an employment agency Deaf people look for jobs. And there are employment agencies that try to find jobs for them. What about an agency that has a deaf client and there are no interpreters around. The agency, named Federal Employment Agency, has contracted with a video relay services for that purpose. Where is that agency? Sorry, not in USA, but in Germany!     -- Problems with Marge and Luke As well we all know, deaf Luke and hearing Marge are participating in the TV Amazing Race All-Stars against other teams. And there is a problem! In the jungle, they cannot see sign language clearly because of bad visibility. With hearing participants, they shout out and hear each other by voice. Not Luke and Marge! Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 03/09/14 Blue edition at: 03/09/14 Gold edition at:  

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