DeafDigest - 10 March 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 10, 2020 -- a strange word we never use What is a palantypist? It is the same as CART operator. DeafDigest editor learned of that word today - but he will never use that word in his future articles.   -- these disbelieving hearing people There are always hearing people that do not believe a certain person is deaf. They will make such comments like these: you don't look like a deaf person or you look too good to be a deaf person   -- nickname cruel or not cruel There was a comment few days ago about William Hoy being cruelly nicknamed as Dummy because of his deafness. Cruel or not cruel? Not considered cruel years ago; many people, even the deaf, accepted it. A few complained; Times have changed over the years and Dummy is very cruel nowadays.   Deaf jobs - latest update 03/08/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:  

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