DeafDigest - 10 May 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 9, 2012 -- A fake-ASL song? Seems we are having problems with entertainers trying to use fake-ASL in their acts. A Mark Nakhla video tried to mix ASL with the song "No Church in the Wild." Mark says it is ASL, but the Deaf Community says it is sign nonsense. Only few weeks ago Johnny Depp and Natalie Portman made a huge mess of the signs they were trying.   -- A weather radio being used as an alerting signal device The NOAA Weather Radio is voice only but it could help the deaf! This radio tells hearing people of weather warnings - tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, etc. The voice is no help to the deaf - but it can be connected to an alerting signal device or a bed visbrator. And the deaf would know the there is a weather emergency. DeafDigest is not sure how it works, but the NOAA says it works.   -- Will a hidden CI lead to cheating in sports? Last week's DeafDigest mentioned an invisible CI, hidden in the user's ear tube. Deaflympics has a strict rule that all athletes must take off their hearing aids and CI's on the playing field. Will we see cheating among deaf athletes that hide their CI while in competition?   -- England's planned World Wide Deaf Cultural Center The Deaf Way, held twice in Washington, DC in the past, showed everyone what is Deaf Culture. But at end of Deaf Way, all the exhibits and events disappeared. Well, A deaf group in England wants a "permanent" Deaf Way. They want to call it "Embassy to the world's deaf community." And it would be in Preston, Lancashire. Will it succeed? The project needs money for a big exhibit hall and staff. But the location is a big if - because it is not in London.   -- A 7-sign statue in a restaurant If you dine at Rasika West in Washington, DC you will see a statue of a hand that shows the sign for seven. A sign for seven, not really, but in India, that "seven" sign means prosperity. Take a look at:   5/06/12 Blue edition at: 5/06/12 Gold edition at:    

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