DeafDigest - 10 May 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 10, 2013 -- a medical school refusing a Cued Speech interpreter Michael Argenyi, a former deaf student at Creighton University Medical School, will have a trial. He accused the school of discrimination because his request for Cued Speech interpreters was turned down. In 2008, he applied for admittance into the medical school, explaining that he was deaf and needed Cued Speech interpreters for his classes and labs. The school accepted him but gave him other accommodations, but no Cued Speech interpreters. He had to take out a $110,000 loan to pay for his own interpreters. After two years he got frustrated and dropped out. Why not ASL? He does not know ASL. We will see what happens in the courtroom.     -- a deaf ombudsman in Japan How important is an ombudsman? He is appointed by an agency to fix small problems that people deal with. Onaka Koji, a deaf man, has been appointed as the ombudsman on behalf of the deaf in Otsu, a Japanese city of 350,000 people. He will help the deaf with many things such as interpreters, paperwork, setting up appointments, etc, etc. He is actually an ombudsman, but he prefers to call himself deaf counselor.     -- a deaf Texas Ranger? Could a deaf person become a FBI Agent? Or even a Texas Ranger? Texas Ranger's duties are probably the same what the State Bureau of Investigation agent does. SBI works on state level as FBI works on the national level. Well, have we ever had a Deaf Texas Ranger? Yes - and it was Deaf Smith! He only lasted only four months before he resigned because one of his actions got the Texas Republic governor angry. Could we see a future deaf FBI agent or even a deaf SBI agent? Never say never! (DeafDigest thanks Dr. Steve Baldwin, author, The Legacy of Deaf Smith, for this valuable piece of information! He is the nation's #1 Deaf Smith's historian)     05/05/13 Blue edition at: 05/05/13 Gold edition at:

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