DeafDigest - 10 November 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 10, 2017 -- a newspaper story insults deaf, big time! Part of a newspaper story said: a former umbrella repairman was deaf, despite his oversized ears An insult? Yes. There are hearing people with big ears; there are deaf people with big ears. Size of ears has nothing to do with being deaf or not! That story was printed - way back in 1917 by an Australian newspaper. A picture is at:   -- sign language glove said to be useless There are many sign language glove prototypes designed by engineers. Useful or useless? Many deaf people say the gloves are invented because hearing people think it is the best way for the deaf. And deaf people don't like to use it. This story was run in The Atlantic.   -- cruise ship won't accept two deaf people Two deaf people, from Wales, wanted to take a cruise, but were refused admittance by the Cruise & Maritime Voyages. Keep in mind Great Britain, in which Wales is part of, does not have ADA. This ADA requires American cruise boats, on American waters, to provide accommodations.   Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- video relay abuse by hearing 11/05/17 Blue and Gold editions at:     -- The Silent Network has re-launched The Silent Network, the nation's first national television network, geared to deaf and hard of hearing viewers, has re-launched as an Over-The-Top (OTT) television service. To read the press release:

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