DeafDigest - 10 November 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 10, 2021 -- winning an election by few votes Neil McDevitt, who is deaf and was a volunteer firefighter, won the election for mayor of North Wales Borough, a tiny town, just above 3,000 residents, located outside of Philadelphia. He did not lead in the regular vote but write-ins helped pull him ahead of his opponent. The latest update is that McDevitt is still leading as the write-in counts have not yet been completed. Firefighting? He resigned after finding it so time consuming.   -- deaf-owned winery in Siena, Italy Fattoria La Muraglia, owned by two deaf brothers, Giovanni and Paolo Convito, is located in Siena. The winery is harvested on a 74-acre farm, which has a hotel that can house 8 tourists. This winery produces one big batch and one small batch on an annual basis.   -- deaf truckers must tell the government they are deaf There is a rule that drivers must tell the government of their medical conditions before being allowed to drive. The deaf do not have to tell the government if they just drive cars, but with trucks they must tell - or face a heavy fine. Not in any of these 50 states but in the United Kingdom.   Deaf jobs - latest update 11/07/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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