DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 10, 2016
-- the vibrating shirt
We have been seeing different kinds of vibrations -
vibrating wake-up devices under the pillows and
mattresses, vibrating wrist watches, vibrating
vests, small vibrating handles, etc. And now
this - new on the market is a vibrating shirt.
This vibrating shirt is being built in Germany.
Are vibrating wallets and vibrating shoes coming
up next? Is there too much vibration in the
Deaf World? A picture is at:
-- the patient-advocate
A deaf advocate was hospitalized. Instead of waiting
for doctors and nurses to be accommodating, the
patient was proactive - telling the hospital he
wants captions turned on TV; interpreters on call;
deaf devices on a table next to his bed, etc -
and even had a big sign posted on the wall that
said "deaf patient"
-- Clinton & Trump and the deaf
We have been seeing Clinton and Trump personally
attack each other. Never happened at any NAD
Conferences when deaf candidates campaign for
the presidency? Wrong! It happened during
the late eighties. Two candidates and their
friends personally attacked each other. The
conventioners said it was the worst they
have ever seen. So, attacking deaf and
attacking hearing - same thing!
Latest deaf jobs:
Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update)
-- cowboy posse
10/09/16 Blue and Gold editions at: