DeafDigest - 10 October 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 10, 2017   -- a common fingerspelling complaint Most people that fingerspell make sure that they correctly spell all the letters of a word. Unfortunately there are some people (both deaf and hearing) that would sloppily fingerspell - some would just spell out the first letter of a word and then the last letter - forcing us to fill in the blanks. An example would be - "delicious" being spelled as D and then S, forcing us to guess what word was he trying to spell! For advice on those that don't fully fingerspell, go to:   -- big honor or no big deal Deaf British motivational speaker Charning Peters was pictured while driving a $660,000 Lamborghini automobile in London. He said he is the first deaf person to drive this such an expensive car. Big honor or no big deal? You decide!   -- a former deaf superintendent in a new job What has become of Ernest Garrett III, the first deaf superintendent of Missouri School for the Deaf? He stepped down after serving for three years. He will begin work on October 16th as the executive director of DEAF Inc., a St Louis deaf non profit agency. His goal right now is to complete the dissertation for his doctorate.   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- movie possibly bringing painful memories for some 10/08/17 Blue and Gold editions at:   -- Deaf Job of the Day (each day new job announcement)

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