DeafDigest - 10 October 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 10, 2019   -- city council meeting captions delayed until 2025 Orillia, a city of some 30,000 people, has agreed to postpone city meeting captions until 2025. The reason is cost - approximately $20,000 in annual costs. ADA? No, Orillia is in Ontario.   -- OK to start a career at the bottom For some reason a good number of deaf graduates from colleges do not like to start at the bottom while beginning their careers. They want to start at the top. It was different with deaf chef Kurt Ramborger. He started his restaurant career as a dishwasher, before beginning his upwards climb.   -- fifth largest deaf population in USA A public official said that Tampa Bay has the fifth largest population of deaf residents in USA. Fifth largest? What about metro areas of Washington, DC, Rochester, Frederick, New York, Austin, Fremont, Los Angeles, Chicago? Tampa Bay bigger than any of these areas? DeafDigest editor isn't sure!     Deaf jobs - latest update 10/06/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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