DeafDigest - 10 September 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 10, 2019 -- a twist in a deaf prisoner lawsuit A lawsuit has been filed in Georgia but with a twist - it is not only just prisons discriminating against deaf prisoners, but that the state parole system is not accessible to deaf parolees.   -- KFC mess, again, Jack in the Box mess Some big fast food chains would get into trouble with deaf customers. Recently a KFC window person told a deaf person he was too busy (and was fired). And now this A Jack in the Box person refused to serve a deaf person, and also mocked her deafness; this deaf person stood her ground for two hours and was still refused service. If it is good news, the Jack in the Box person was fired. Next fast food, next Deaf Mess! And next Fast Food Law Suit. This may never stop.   -- city employees post video mocking the deaf Employees of the City Emergency Services Department in Lumberton, NC posted a video making fun of the deaf. City officials were upset about it, and have asked the North Carolina Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to give a sensitivity training session.     Deaf jobs - latest update 09/08/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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