DeafDigest - 11 December 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 11, 2013 -- the mystery of the fake interpreter at Mandela service South African deaf leaders were angry about the fake interpreter during the Mandela memorial services. So embarrassed the nation was that they are looking for him. No one knew who he was. He was just moving his arms around with no meaning to his gestures. How did this happen? It can happen because no one carefully looked into his interpreting credentials. It is the same as in 2009, when Tareq and Michaele Salahi, both not deaf and without proper credentials, were able to sneak into the White House to attend a big Obama event! Anyway, there is a big South African manhunt, trying to catch this fake interpreter, as he is in hiding.   -- the "crazy" Americans? Are we, the Americans, all crazy? No, but in Cantonese Sign Language, the sign for "American" is the same sign for the word "crazy." China has several spoken languages and one of them is Cantonese (now known as Guangzhou). And each language has its own sign language. Why and how would the Cantonese sign language show "crazy" for us, the Americans? Good question, something for linguists to find out.   -- the best computer for VP communications? Which is the best for VP communications - the laptop or the the Mac? A high tech deaf computer pro said he uses IPad because it works pretty well. And it is clean and faster to set it up and simple to use. Of course, some people are comfortable with the laptop, others with the Macs - and so, it is a personal choice.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 12/08/13 Blue edition at: 12/08/13 Gold edition at:

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