DeafDigest - 11 December 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 11, 2018 -- Skype can be turned on to watch captions People have complained that Skype has become difficult to turn on to watch captions. It was announced that turning on captions has become easier with Skype, even permanently.   -- deaf waiters said to read facial expressions A newspaper story said deaf waiters are able to take orders from hearing patrons by reading tbeir facial expressions. Does DeafDigest believe it? No, but this is what the newspaper, in China, said.   -- Hacking to help the deaf Major League Hacking is an organization that teaches hackers to create hacking ideas for good purposes (not evil purposes). This organization hosts hacking events at selected colleges. One hacking team won first place for their hacking project - to help the deaf create emoci that would show emotions while watching a video or a show.     Deaf jobs - latest update 12/09/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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