DeafDigest - 11 February 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 11, 2016 -- a deaf person is on and off DeafDigest worries about deaf fighter Matt Hamill. He announced his retirement few years ago only to come back and then retire again and then come back. His next match takes place on May 21, 2016 in Milan, Italy. He has a contract with the Venator Fighting Championship. Hamill is getting older, and he is not the same fighter he was few years ago. If he continues to fight and takes too many blows to his head, then we know about this scary word - concussion! His latest fighting picture is at:   -- a dumb general manager of a movie theater A deaf woman wanted to see a movie and asked the general manager for a portable captioning equipment. What did the general manager do? Gave her a portable listening device. He did not know what a portable captioning device was! A dumb manager? Yes.   -- deaf Uber driver frustrations Uber gives an opportunity for deaf drivers to make money, but it also leads to frustrations - customers cancel rides they learn driver is deaf; must text customers of his deafness; customers talk too much and get annoyed when deaf driver does not respond; customers pass notes while deaf driver is watching the road; customer suddenly gives deaf driver a change of directions, etc. A good living with good money yes, but also with a list of frustrations!   Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 02/07/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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