DeafDigest - 11 January 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 11, 2012 -- Was Alexander Graham Bell really a bad person? Many people hate Alexander Graham Bell for two reasons; he supported oralism; he thought deaf people should not marry each other. Yet, he had a brillant mind with many ideas - the phonograph, boating technology, taking salt out of seawater, the National Geographic Magazine, etc, etc. This is the reason why he and Thomas Edison, the famous deaf inventor, hated each other (jealousy). And remember, his telephone made TTY possible many years later.     -- A deaf soccer player thrown out of game for not obeying the whistle! Philip John Dolan is a deaf member of a hearing soccer team in Scotland. In a game last week, he thought he scored a goal and jumped up, happy. The referee blew the whistle just before the score. Philip, not knowing the whistle, still jumped around. The angry referee threw him out of the game. The team did warn the referee, before the game, that Philip was deaf. But the referee ignored it. The team is filing a protest with the league headquarters. The referee refused to answer questions from a newspaper.   -- a 86-year old deaf woman got a letter telling her of her apartment eviction on Christmas Day A 86-year old deaf woman received a letter from the Toronto Community Housing Authority (TCHA). It told her she would be evicted from her apartment on Christmas Day! Her angry neigbhors accused TCHA of being cruel to her and violating her human rights. TCHA backed off and allowed her to stay. And the Canadian Hearing Society stepped in, trying to resolve this issue.     -- A deaf woman wins a TV reality show contest Chivonne Chapman, who is deaf, with husband Adam, not deaf, competed against three other hearing couples on the popular British TV reality show - Four Weddings. They won the top prize, a free honeymoon. As with other reality shows, these participants vote on several questions. Chivonne said that Adam helped the win the contest because he learned enough signs to improve his communications with her. Does it look fishy? (How did he communicate with her while they were dating?)   -- Cost of captioned commercials during the Super Bowl The Super Bowl is Big Time business. A 30-second commercial cost is $3.5 million dollars, sometimes $4.0 million dollars. Many commercials are not captioned. Why? The TV people say captioning is "very" expensive. Truth is that captioning work is about $125.00 for each 30-second commercial. The TV people are trying to fool us by saying they go broke on money spent on captioned commercials! To see the captioning costs, look at:

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