DeafDigest - 11 July 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 11, 2015 morning -- a store invents a sign language gesture Asda stores is a supermarket chain in Great Britain. A famous trademark with that chain is "pocket tap." The actors in the TV commercials tap their pocket with their hand. This tap is automatically identified with these Asda stores. And it has become part of the British Sign Language! When a deaf person taps, his friends know he's going to shop at that store for groceries!   -- a mysterious death of a deaf athlete DeafDigest mentioned that Yana Budyukina, a deaf Russian soccer player, was killed in Brazil earlier this week. She loved life, much more than just soccer, especially traveling. She has visited Germany, France, Thailand, India, China, Sweden, Switzerland and Spain. She was hit by a car while walking through a road tunnel, a dangerous path according to local Brazilian drivers. Why the tunnel walk? It will always remain a mystery!   past Mid-Week & morning editions: 7/05/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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