DeafDigest - 11 June 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 11, 2015 morning     -- new hope for deaf mother that had baby taken away Last year a deaf mother had her newly born baby taken away by the Department of Human Services. The Floyd County District Court in Iowa agreed with the Department of Human Services. The mother sued, and the Iowa Court of Appeals reversed the decision and had the case sent back to the district court. Why? She had no interpreter and the social worker communicated with her in writing. What started the whole thing? The mother was depressed upon birth and the department decided she was unfit.     -- praising a comic book publisher DC Comics is a well known publisher among people that read comics. It was just praised for introducing new types of characters. One such character was deaf Pied Piper. He was portrayed as the first openly gay DC villain. But as the plot evolved, he was implanted and he "became" hearing, no longer deaf! And also retiring from a career of crime!     past Mid-Week & morning editions: 6/07/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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