DeafDigest - 11 March 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 11, 2016 -- a restaurant changes procedures for a deaf chef Rohit Manek is a deaf chef with a restaurant in Dubai. He started out at the bottom in 2010 before being moving up to his chef position. The restaurant has changed its kitchen procedures to make sure he knows what is going on - gestures, body language movements and tasks written on the board iinstead of being shouted out. And when Rohit sees something that is not right, the staff immediately knows it. A picture of this deaf chef is at:   -- a police study report says deaf at risk The Ruderman Family Foundation of Boston issued a special report which says that the disabled, and the deaf, are at higher risk of getting into trouble with the police. The report says: Deaf people are also at risk because if they can't see a police officer speaking to them, they can't possibly respond. Police officers don't realize the person is deaf; they just assume he is ignoring a direct command. Scary? Yes, especially when dealing with hot-tempered, impatient police officers!   -- watching a movie and blinking your eye If a deaf person watches a movie and blinks his eye then it is a risk. There was a movie scene in "Copenhagen" where a leading character, on an escape run, asked a senior citizen for directions. The senior citizen pointed to his ear to indicate his deafness. This scene lasted maybe just two seconds. So if you watched that movie and blinked your eye, you may have missed the whole thing!   Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 03/07/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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