DeafDigest - 11 May 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 11, 2018   -- baseball traitor helps deaf-owned business Albert Pujols is one of the best baseball players right now. For a long time he played for St Louis Cardinals, but left to join the Los Angeles Angels. Many fans in St Louis still call him the traitor. Yet he took time to help endorse a deaf owned novelties business in the St Louis area. We do not find famous athletes doing that for small, deaf owned businesses, but Pujols did.   -- red tape discrimination with deaf truck driving students A deaf man from Alabama who just graduated from a truck driving program said he had to wait six months to get medical clearance waiver because of deafness and also to get learners' permit to attend classes. A hearing truck driving student shows up for school and gets admitted within maybe just a few days. For that deaf student from Alabama - six months wait. Discrimination, yes even though federal government allows deaf truck drivers!   -- a newspaper story about a $22-an-hour job The USA Today ran a story that headlined: He went from jail to a $22-an-hour job While it is not easy for ex-prisoners (hearing) to get these $22.00 per hour jobs, it is just almost impossible for deaf ex-prisoners to get these same high paying jobs. There are many, unfortunately, deaf prisoners. Once they are released, their job prospects are not bright. But for a few selected hearing prisoners, their job prospects are bright. Prison discrimination? Yes, unfortunately for deaf prisoners.   Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- police interviews with deaf 05/06/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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