DeafDigest - 11 November 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 11, 2016 -- two years is too long The Department of Justice told banks and retailers they have two years to convert their deaf-unfriendly web sites to deaf-friendly web sites. Why two years? Why not now - since it really does not take that too long to improve these web sites? A picture is at:   -- never OK to mock ASL From time to time we have read stories of hearing comedians either making fun of ASL or of ASL interpreters. Funny or not funny? It is never funny - and it is sad that comedians crave audience laughter by making fun of something.   -- unhappy deaf chefs We have many deaf people working in the restaurant kitchens (chefs, line chefs, short order cooks, etc). Many are happy with their jobs - but we also have many others not happy with their jobs. They are required to work on Saturday nights, and it cuts down on their social life. This is what one former chef told DeafDigest editor, that he hated working Saturday nights, missing out on the social life!     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf posseman 11/06/16 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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