DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 11, 2021
-- honoring a deaf Black man
Joshua Halsey, a deaf Black man, was killed in
1898 by a white mob in Wilmington, NC. They wanted
to overthrow the local government led by Blacks and
their white friends. Freemasons from the Grand Lodge
of South Carolina took care of his new grave site
across state lines. And then a formal funeral
took place 123 years later.
-- most deaf-unfriendly tourist sites
many tourist sites are deaf-friendly. But
there are some other tourist sites that
are not deaf-friendly. One example are
caves; some are bright enough to clearly
see the interpreters. Some are so dark
that light is impossible and therefore
hard or difficult to see the interpreters
in action.
-- many hearing people like TV captions
for reasons of their own, there are many
hearing people that enjoy TV captions,
saying it is not a distraction to them!
That means less and less family fights
over the living room TV set - turn on
captions or turn off sound (as revenge!)
Deaf jobs - latest update
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