DeafDigest - 11 October 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 11, 2016   -- Hurricane Matthew's lack of video captions There have been complaints about lack of online captions on videos on Hurricane Matthew announcements. This is disappointing because of continuous FCC mandate on emergency captions. See the picture at:   -- London police worried about anti-deaf hate crime The British Transport Police, which oversees the London's transport network, said there is an increase of hate crime on public transportation. Deafness is one of these categories of hate crime (religion, disability, gender orientation, etc. As a result, the police is asking the public to help out.   -- People in Pinto, Spain angry over deaf eviction A deaf couple has been living in their house for 40 years in Pinto, Spain. Suddenly the bank and the court want the deaf couple evicted. Poorly educated, the deaf couple was conned by their son to sign second mortgage papers few years ago. They nodded in agreement, not udnerstanding the papers they signed their names on. They have another son, not involved with the second mortgage papers, fighting for them and getting public support from the neighbors. At this point, no one knows what is going to happen.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- strange legislative procedure 10/09/16 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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