DeafDigest - 11 October 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 11, 2017   -- Apple patents a Deaf Device Apple won a patent for a Deaf Device yesterday. It is for Apple Watch band. If there is a noise or a sound (ie siren or a door knock, then the band will squeeze your wrist. A picture is at:   -- the CFO of world's most powerful magazine A while ago DeafDigest mentioned that Toby Burton, a deaf man, is the Chief Financial Officer with The Economist. This magazine is widely read by professionals in the financial and business sectors. He said, in a recent interview, that as long as he has interpreters with him, he is able to communicate with anyone. He also added that getting face to face interpreters can be a problem because of changing schedules and last minute meetings. If that happens, he relies on video relay interpreters.   -- eyes of a deaf construction engineer A construction engineer is deaf. He said his eyes help him notice building and engineering defects that other engineers and other construction supervisors overlook!   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf devices, all burnt out 10/08/17 Blue and Gold editions at:   -- Deaf Job of the Day (each day new job announcement)

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