DeafDigest - 11 October 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 11, 2019 -- the power of the beach flashing emergency warning lights The Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors will be setting up a powerful beach flashing emergency warning lights to alert the deaf in case of weather warnings and tsunami warnings. How powerful is it? A deaf person could see the warning lights from a quarter of mile away. Yes, it helped that the department director has two deaf adult sons.   -- public wi-fi for the deaf LinkNYC (New York City) has kiosks that provides free wi-fi for the public. It is said to be very fast. With these kiosks is a Video Relay Service for the benefit of the deaf. Hopefully this concept will spread to other American cities.   -- disabled accommodations same as deaf accommodations There was a big story in today's newspapers about Jimmy Anderson, not deaf, who is disabled and is a legislator in Wisconsin. He needs a caregiver to allow him to function in everyday life, meaning attending legislative sessions. He accused legislators of deciding what is best for him without asking him about his needs. Pretty much the same as with many hearing people deciding what is best for the deaf without asking the deaf what is best for them! Very sad.     Deaf jobs - latest update 10/06/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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