DeafDigest - 11 October 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 11, 2021 -- cruel act by some council members In a small Wisconsin town, the members of the council did not like one hard of hearing person. He was giving the council a hard time on many issues, some big, some small. On some of the issues, the council members would slightly move the microphone away from them, preventing the hard of hearing person from catching, with his hearing aid, what was being said. This went away when he filed a lawsuit, that reached settlement.   -- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and fifth times A deaf person used the voice relay to order some food from a carry out place. The owner hung up five times. Fed up, the deaf person went to the carry out place and confronted the manager. He thought it was a scam. This deaf person is taking her business elsewhere, even though the manager apologized repeatedly!   -- valued deaf employee in a dangerous business David Pirl is deaf, and uses CI to communicate with hearing employees and also reads lips and knows ASL. For that reason, the family-owned business employees can use signs to communicate with him. That dangerous business is the Blue Ridge Tree Service (PA), owned by David's brother. The tree cutters must avoid power lines and moving these fallen trees away from the highways, etc. It also helps that David is a master mechanic, always fixing up machinery and power equipment that needs repairs. Yes, he also works on trees.   Deaf jobs - latest update 10/10/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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