DeafDigest - 12 April 2009

DeafDigest Blue - April 12, 2009

Blue Edition              Barry Strassler, Editor - updated every Monday

America's Unique Deaf Stories; free subscription

serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 13th year

(to unsubscribe, please click on unsubscribe link
at bottom or go to )


ASL Videos of the Week:


Just Arrived at Harris Communications

Take a look at these NEW products that have just come in!

1)      "Read My Lips" (B1134) for $8.99.

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*  DeafDigest is an independent weekly national on-line
newsletter emailed free to anyone interested in the deaf

*  On subscription matters, click on above web site and click on subscribe

*  DeafDigest is subsidized by paid ads and by paid announcements
The employment ads are located in the rear of this newsletter

*  The DeafDigest thanks all advertisers for making it free for all

*  Only DeafDigest subscribers could subscribe to DeafDigest Sports


DeafDigest welcomes unique deafnews tips; do email:

sources of unique deafnews are never revealed; always


weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: (updated every Monday)


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The DeafDigest is divided into Blue and Gold sections, both
ranked equal in contents, features and ads. This is the
Blue section.


News of the Week:

DeafDigest dedicates this edition to Thomas R. Behrens,
not deaf, who departed us this week.
One item in his long list of accomplishments in
Education of the Deaf is pushing for screening of all
newborns for hearing loss.
Thank you, Thomas, for serving us so well over the


Employers that want to hire the deaf might very well
best use this link:

Following these guidelines will make things much
easier for prospective deaf employees in the work place
with hearing employees and hearing employers.


This is old news but which has kicked up again
this week. There is a serious issue of imbalance
between males and females in the Deaf Studies
major and the Speech Language Pathology and
Audiology major at Towson University in
Deaf Studies has 8 males and 122 females;
the other major has 3 males and 162 females.
This issue was brought up several years
ago before kicking up again this week by
Towson students..


When people bring up the issue of disabled, hopefully
deafness is included.
Anyway there was a discussion at Boston University
regarding the film titled ""Labeled Disabled" that
took place last week.
This film was supposed to help students understand
the attitudes towards the disabled.
Again, the question is - deafness is either being
addressed or is not addressed at all.


In Scotland, all police officers have received
a handbook titled ""diversity handbook" in an effort
to appropriately deal with the disabled.
One such advice is not to handcuff the deaf
behind their backs, that would prevent them
from communicating via pad and pen or even
in sign language with an interpreter.
This handbook was prepared by the
Association Of Chief Police Officers.


For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please email


weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: (updated every Monday)



At WCI, April brings "showers" of savings to you with 10% off every
TTY for the entire month!

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A deaf man in Canada has a different type of
His job is to knock on doors of homes.
When hearing people open the doors, he gives
them papers to sign and to collect fees.
This is for people's dog tag licenses!
He had a card with them that he shows to
hearing people to explain what it is.
In USA, most people pay for dog licenses
in vet's offices, but it is different in

- for ASL News version, please click on:

(for your convenience, video links are posted on top
of each DeafDigest edition)

In Scotland few years ago, a hearing woman was
suffering from tinnitus. It is stubborn ringing
of noise in a person's head that almost never stops.
The doctor told the woman that she had a
choice - to have an operation to cure tinnitus but
to become deaf for good or to ignore the operation
and suffer tinnitus for life but to remain
An awful choice!

- for ASL News version, please click on:

(for your convenience, video links are posted on top
of each DeafDigest edition)


Poker Tournament

No-Limit Texas Hold'Em

Deaf Seniors of America

Poker Tournament; No Limit-Texas Hold'Em/ all in,
for all comers; deaf and hearing players; must be 21 years or
older to play.

June 23, 2009 - 7 pm

Binion's Horseshoe Gambling Hall & Hotel
128 East Fremont
Las Vegas, Nevada

entry fees?
$200 per player,(no buy in), $140 prize pool,
$40 to Binion's for administration and $20 to DSA.

This tournament will be hosted at Binion's Gambling Hall where
it made poker famous. It is located in historical heart of
downtown. Binion's is where the famous "World Series of Poker"
originated. Since Las Vegas is the poker capital of the world,
you will feel the magnitude of this one as it has the
"major league" status. no wonder it is so popular here.

We are anxious to have you enjoy the unique and exciting
experience in the world of poker. It is your chance to
come home as a winner. See you all in "Viva Las Vegas".

For more information, go to:


For Rep. Kevin P. Murphy, D-Lackawanna, Pennsylvania,
a first-time politician, it is Baptism by Fire.
Not deaf, he was thrown into the battle to save
the Scranton State School for the Deaf. It was not
exactly what he expected to do after winning the
election and being introduced as a rookie in
the Pennsylvania legislative body.
He said the battle to save the school has consumed
his time and energy on a daily basis.

Joe Steffy, not deaf, operates a business, selling
popcorn, and he has a goal - grossing $100,000 in
sales in 3 years in the Overland, Kansas area.
He is an autistic and also has Down syndrome.
These disabilities have not diminished his
drive to succeed.
He did get assistance from his parents and from
an organization that advocates self-employment for
people with disabilities. The family learned to write
up a business plan, getting grants from SSA's
Plan to Achieve Self-Support program.
This is great - and this leads to a question -
while we have many deaf individuals with a desire
to operate self-supporting businesses, why aren't
they getting assistance on the same level that
Steffy got?


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How important is public relations? The rule of thumb
by Fortune 500 companies is to spend 5 to 10 percent
of their budget on public relations.
This being said, many nonprofit agencies spend
much, much less on public relations. This is understandable
because when money is tight, then there are spending
Yet, when the public thinks the deaf cannot drive
or cannot read or cannot go to college, this is where
public relations come in!

Is there a speed class for the deaf and the hard of
First of all, what does a speed class mean?
DeafDigest has no idea what it is. Is it a joke?
The story in blog went like this:

Avallone himself plays Herby, one of the four main characters
- a major slacker who cares more about whether his jokes
are funny than his grades. At one point, he even hires a live
studio audience to follow him around the campus and laugh,
sigh and awww at all he says. There’s plenty to laugh at.
Faced with losing his parent-provided health insurance
if he drops below full-time status, Herby takes the only class
available - a speed class for the deaf and hard of hearing.

Speed as in a certain drug? Speed as in sign language
signing speed?
Just no idea what the story implies.


- Arnold Schwarzenegger, governor, state of California

After retiring from a body building career, he set out to
become a movie actor. His second film was titled "The Long Goodbye"
where he played a deaf character, as a mob hit man!


muttered one interpreter:

interpreters that finish off deaf clients' sentences!

if you have these "hate" or "horror" stories, please


One thing that I think some people don't consider when they
are working with CART providers is where the CART providers
will sit or how they will position themselves to the proceedings
so that they can hear what is going on.

I read somewhere that a person who was a CART consumer thought
that, as a group, sign language interpreters had better hearing
than CART providers.  I really don't believe that that’s true.

I think, as a group, our hearing is about the same.  I believe
that one of the differences might be that interpreters are many
times right in the middle of what is being said, but a CART
provider might be positioned over to the side.

Sometimes a CART provider might be more looked upon as a machine
rather than as a person that has to be able to see and hear what
is going on.

People have to remember that just because a CART provider is using
a machine, it is not the machine that is inputting the information
to be translated; it is the person sitting behind the keys who has
to hear, understand, and input what is happening.

if you have a question on any of the CART issues, do email:

it will be forwarded to the CART operator for a possible response
in this weekly DeafDigest section.


weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at:

updated every Monday


(continuing series)


telecaption adapters (or better known as decoders)

self explanatory!


Berrigan's Tax and Bookkeeping Service

If you are looking for someone with tax and bookkeeping background who is
deaf and fluent in American Sign Language to provide that type of service
for your personal, business or organization, look no further!

My bookkeeping service can be customized to your preference which includes
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much more using QuickBooks accounting software.

To have accurate financial information will empower you to make wise
financial decisions.

My tax service provides the preparation of individual federal and state
tax returns and to answer your questions will help you get a better
understanding of how different adjustments, deductions or credits can
affect your tax situations.

My firm is based on professionalism and confidentiality with a guarantee
of complete satisfaction. Thank you.

Terence Berrigan
Berrigan's Tax & Bookkeeping Service
Web Page:

VP: (866) 669-9616 Pager: Email:


For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please email

for Special Notes, please go to the bottom of the Gold section


Crash course on the Digital Television Transition

This is a continuation of our weekly educational column on
addressing concerns about the analog TV shutoff and the final
transition to digital TV which is scheduled to occur on or
before June 12, 2009.

Question this week:
What's the difference between UHF and VHF?

Channels 2 to 13 are VHF (Very High Frequency) and channels 14 to 51
are UHF (Ultra High Frequency). Many stations converting to DTV are
using UHF, but some will still use VHF. A combination UHF/VHF antenna
is recommended.

More Questions? Email them to DeafDigest at

For more information on digital television, visit

Sponsored by Davideo Productions ( ) and
DeafDigest ( )

Copyright Notice: All Rights Reserved. Since this is an important
community service message, you may share this column with family
and friends as long as you credit Deaf Digest and Davideo


Hot DeafNews boring, but important!

Efforts by Time Warner to meter the pricing on
broadband use has encountered livid reaction among
deaf consumers.
Reason is heavy use of the video phone to facilitate
communications via the broadband.
When confronted with this issue, the Time Warner
management has not made a comment.


The Deaf and the Law

Ontario, Canada

a woman, not deaf, was given summons for talking too loud

case was dismissed; the woman said she talked loud because
her husband was deaf

in a way it is a twist - because deaf people tend to
talk louder!


DeafADA Issue of the Week:

A consultant on ADA issues said that only 20 percent
of American hotels comply with ADA regulations.
For the deaf it means:

- do captions work on TV? It failed in several hotels
that DeafDigest editor stayed over the years

- does the internet connection work? This may be an issue
because the front desk people would ask hotel patrons to
call a 800 number to get the connection to work, and it
is tricky when trying to use the TTY

- does the hotel have a "deaf box" available for
deaf patrons?


Shirley Glassman's Captioning Blooper of the Week:

they blame illegals for taking scare (scarce) jobs


What became of?

Earl Hollinshead III
West Virginia

- past
Freelance TV technician for NBC, ESPN and other networks

- present
moved to West Virginia from Pittsburgh, and worked behind
the scenes with the technical support staff at the
recent Presidential inauguration with "past" and
"present" details


News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago:

The DEAF-L newsgroup, the granddaddy of many
deaf-related newsgroups that thrive on the Internet
nowadays, may undergo a change of owners. Roy Miller,
the current TDI president, and the DEAF-L listowner,
is not able to continue in his present role.

(editor's note: DEAF-L was the first of many, many
deaf newsgroups over the years; in its heyday
it was wildly popular. It currently leads a quiet
life among these deaf-related yahoogroups, and
the subscription base is low)


News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago:

Fast backwards years ago. High profile TV personality Regis
Philbin announced that deaf Heather Whitestone was to be
the Miss America. He knew she was deaf.
Fast forward towards today. This same high profile
individual along with Kelly Ripa, on a recent TV program,
mocked our needs to have TV and movies captioned and subtitled.
This same Regis praising Heather Whitestone years ago
and mocking our captioning needs nowadays?


Deaf Apocalypse of the Week:

- Year 1997
At the American Medical Student Association Convention that
took place recently at Orlando, the convention delegates passed a
resolution that recognized the medical rights and the needs of
the deaf, the hard of hearing and the late deafened.

- Year 2009
We are still filing lawsuits against doctors and
hospitals for their refusal to provide interpreters.

Apparently the American Medical Student Association
resolution, now 12 years old, has had no impact
on many doctors and many hospitals!


A Vocational Rehabilitation counselor's pet peeve:

You are instructed to reduce your caseload by 15 people,
but unfortunately, you cannot remove the worst customers
from your caseload.



* on a per-subscriber basis, the DeafDigest ad rates are the
best in the nation.

* For more information, send E-mail to


positions available
Metro Deaf School/Minnesota North Star Academy
St Paul, MN

Metro Deaf School/Minnesota North Star Academy, a PreK-12
Charter School for Deaf/Hard of Hearing students, has the
following positions available for the 2009-2010 school year:

- Athletic Director/Extra Curricular Activities Director (K-12)
- ASL Specialist (K-12)
- Primary Classroom Teacher (K-3)
- Special Needs Teacher (Grades 6-8)
- Secondary Math Teacher (Grades 7-12)
- Speech and Language Pathologist

Candidates must have a Bachelor's Degree or higher and have
fluency in American Sign Language and written English.

Teacher positions also require completed or in progress licensure
with State of Minnesota.

Candidates should also have knowledge of bilingual education for
the Deaf/Hard of Hearing and a commitment to working as a team
member and implementing the educational program in a charter
PreK-12 school.

Visit our website at to apply
or send letter of interest, current resume (including reference
contacts), official college transcripts, and completed application
form to:

Metro Deaf School
ATTN: Director
1471 Brewster St.
St. Paul, MN 55108-2612


Job Announcements
Indiana School for the Deaf
Indianapolis, Indiana

The Indiana School for the Deaf currently has job openings/postings
for the following positions:

Job Title         Posting #          Posting Dates

Supv Teacher      562545             3/20/09-5/24/09
Audiologist       562766             4/6/09-4/20/09

Applicants must submit an Indiana State Application via the Indiana
State Personnel website at

If you have any questions please contact Carole Morgan in our Human
Resources Department via telephone (317/920-6340 v/tty) or E-Mail:

Mission Statement - The Indiana School for the Deaf Community
promotes academic and social excellence for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
students through a Bilingual/Bicultural environment.



position opening
Assistant professor (tenure track)
(computer related field)
Rochester Institute of Technology                                                                                                                           
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Rochester, NY

Instructional/Support Faculty


- Masters of Science in Information Technology, Computer Science,
Information Systems, or other computer related field.

- Three years full-time work experience in high level scripting,
multimedia/web and database development

- Some teaching/training experience

- Expertise in object-oriented programming (i.e. minimally Java
or C++).

- Organizational skills and the ability to work as part of a team

Rochester Institute of Technology is an Equal O/AA Employer. We
are seeking individuals who are committed to contributing to RIT's
core values, honor code, and statement of diversity.

For more details and to apply on line please go to:                                                           


You may contact the search committee with questions:

David Lawrence
Search Committee Chairperson
Rochester Institute of Technology
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Department of Information and Computing Studies
20 Lomb Memorial Drive, Golisano-1511
Rochester, New York 14623

Application deadline: April 15, 2009


position opening
Overnight Residential Counselor
The Learning Center for the Deaf
Framingham, MA

1-2 years direct care experience in residential program with
Deaf and HOH children preferred. ASL Fluency required.

Please send cover letter, resume, 3 written references to:

Lynn Marshall
Personnel Coordinator
The Learning Center for the Deaf
848 Central Street,
Framingham, MA 01701

fax # 508.875.3355
phone # 508.879.5110 v/tty
or email:

The Learning Center for the Deaf is an EOE


immediate opening
Certified Therapeutic Recreation Therapist (CTRS)
National Deaf Academy
Mt. Dora, FL

National Deaf Academy a 132 bed residential treatment center serving
Deaf, hard of hearing and autistic children, adolescents and adults
has an immediate opening for a Certified Therapeutic Recreation
Therapist (CTRS).

Responsibilities include planning, directing and organizing
recreational programs, assessments and documentation.

Fluent in American Sign Language preferred, however willing to train
the right candidate. BA in Therapeutic Recreation or related field
& current CTRS required.

Competitive salary and excellent benefit package.

Send resume to:
Director of Human Resources,
National Deaf Academy
19650 US Hwy 441
Mt. Dora, FL 32757

Phone: 352-735-9500
Fax:   352-735-4939



position opening
Clinical Social Worker - Deaf Unit
Westborough State Hospital
Metro Suburban Area; about an hour west of Boston

Full-time opportunity exists for a caring and compassionate
hearing or deaf individual to join the clinical team on a
unique deaf unit within Westborough State Hospital, a JCAHO
accredited facility.

The deaf unit at Westborough is a state-wide resource with
rapid admissions and discharges.

Specialty Social Work services are needed. Social Workers on
this unit must be fluent in ASL and culturally competent in
the Deaf Culture.

In addition, incumbents in this position must have specialized
knowledge of the clinical needs of deaf persons with psychiatric
problems including competence in providing psychotherapy to
deaf individuals and their families. Takes initiative in
formulating and implementing comprehensive treatment plans.
Provides family services as needed including family assessments,
living/home assessments, family therapy and counseling.

Excellent benefits including health, dental, vision, tuition
remission, vacation, retirement, free parking.

Salary Range:  $45,353 - $61,873

Resumes to:
Office of Health, Human Resources,
Metro Suburban Area,
Attn: Carolyn Burnett,
Box 288, Lyman St.,
Westborough, MA  01581

or Email:

EEO/AA/MF/V/D Employer


position opening
Interpreter, Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Westborough State Hospital
Metro Suburban Area; about an hour west of Boston

Seeking  part-time sign language interpreter (20 hrs./wk) for
a specialty psychiatric inpatient unit for deaf persons in  
Westborough, Massachusetts, about an hour west of Boston.

This is  an excellent position for an experienced interpreter
with excellent ASL skills who has, (or wants to develop), a
specialization in mental health interpreting.

Candidates must be state screened for interpreting and
transliterating or hold national certification. RID or NAD
certification preferred.

Excellent benefits including health, dental, vision, tuition
remission, vacation, retirement, free parking.

Salary Range:  $21,669 to $29,440

Resumes to:
Office of Health, Human Resources,
Attn: Carolyn Burnett,
Metro Suburban Area,
Box 288, Lyman St.,
Westborough, MA 01581

or Email

EEO/AA M/F/V/D Employer


position opening
Smoky Mountain Center
Clinical Counselor
Central Region/ Morganton, NC

Clinical counselor is part of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program
that provides behavioral health assessment, clinical treatment,
case management and advocacy services to deaf and hard of hearing
persons in a 27-county service area.

Clients served will be children, adolescents and adults with a
broad range of diagnoses of hearing. Clients will be referred from
throughout the 27-county catchment area by any of a wide array of
organizations and agencies that have identified the need for the
specialized services delivered by this program.

Master's degree from an accredited school of social work or an
appropriate human services field and must have a professional
license or be license eligible.

Due to the population served by this position, applicants must be
proficient in American Sign Language.

Prefer experience working with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Grade/Step to be determined by qualifications and classification
of applicant

Position is 100% FTE with comprehensive benefits. This is a non -
exempt position

Open until filled

Send a NC State Application to:
Smoky Mountain Center,
Department of Human Resources,
44 Bonnie Lane,
Sylva, NC 28779.

to get the NC State application form, click on:

and click again on:
Microsoft Word Application Extension

Smoky Mountain Center is an EO, AA employer.


position opening
Rehabilitation Counselor for the Deaf
State of Georgia
location of vacancy - Macon, Dublin, Valdosta, Columbus and
the Metro Atlanta area

for position description and application procedures, click on:


(updated 4/12/09)

list of employment openings
various locations in Northern California

all positions open until filled

- Job Developer & Interpreter
San Francisco

for any of the above positions, please click on:

and click on the position you are seeking


E-Mail All Applications to


Special notes:

(located at the bottom of the Gold section)

Copyright © 2025 - DeafDigest. All Rights Reserved.