DeafDigest - 12 April 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 12, 2017 -- Shoshannah Stern comes back Deaf actress Shoshannah Stern has come back to her role as Eileen Leahy in a recent episode of the TV sitcom - Supernatural. While she has been quite active with theatrical plays, her appearance on TV has not been that frequent. Let's hope she continues on TV. A picture is at:   -- explanation about Jacksonville deaf incident It was learned that the deaf man who was hit by the police during the protest was very oral, even though he knew ASL. He got into a fight with another protester. The cops did not realize he was deaf. And he was not using ASL at the time the cops came after him - yet for some reason the tale of cops thinking he was using menacing ASL got twisted all around. It will get all sorted out in the court room.   -- United cannot remove the deaf The story of security people physically ejecting a passenger on United went viral. United explained that passengers that need to leave the plane cannot be deaf. Even though many of us hate United, it makes us feel better that they cannot throw out a deaf person!   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- NASA deaf experiment 4/09/17 Blue and Gold editions at:      

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