DeafDigest - 12 April 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 12, 2018   -- emotions according to a movie critic A movie critic said: deaf actors have emotions on their faces, also showing fear, sadness, anger. Non-deaf actors cannot show the same as deaf actors. This critic is correct. A picture is at:   -- not hiring the deaf despite ADA ADA removing discrimination against deaf applicants? Yes. But do employers always follow the ADA rules? For most of them, no. They just feel hiring the deaf is a hassle they don't need!   -- the insulting census 2020 Census is coming up. Many people are angry about some of the questions in it, saying it is personal and none of the government's business. It is not the first time the census has been insulting. The 1850 census, the 1880 census and then the 1910 census asked if there were deaf people in the households!   Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf surgeon 04/08/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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