DeafDigest - 12 August 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 12, 2015 morning     -- a lucky deaf hiker A deaf Canadian was hiking up the mountain with a group of friends. Somewhere on the trail, his hearing aid fell out. He did not realize it until he was further along on the trail. He returned back, looking for his hearing aid, and couldn't find it. Two months later another hiker found that hearing aid and brought it to a hearing aid dealer. Not only the dealer fixed the lost hearing aid, that was broken, but was able to track down the owner to return it!   -- problems at Cochlear Cochlear Corporation in Australia having problems with management? This corporation is making so much money, as much as a 60 percent increase in profits. But this company is cutting dividends. And critics are complaining that Cochlear is overcharging people for its implants. And it was only last week when it was learned this company experimented its implants on animals. Problems in paradise?   past Mid-Week & morning editions:   8/09/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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