DeafDigest - 12 August 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 12, 2019 -- 911 misunderstanding, thinking caller was deaf Cincinnati is facing a lawsuit over a 911 mistake. The dispatcher could not understand the 911 voice call and thought the caller was deaf. The dispatcher then switched to a TTY machine, but got no response. By the time the dispatcher and the police figured out the call, the caller died as a result of an accident. The upset family is filing the lawsuit for that "deafness" reason.   -- deaf people to see 500 different noises Brandon Marin, Greyson Watkins and Spencer Montan, all of them deaf, are starting a new company with a special invention that would help the deaf see which noise is which. It all started when Montan's house was flooded because of broken water pipes. He couldn't hear the burst pipes - hence the idea of an invention helping the deaf identify the noise. They said the special device can have 500 different noises programmed into it.   -- pressure on business people to hire the deaf Business people want to hire more employees, but are afraid to hire the deaf. For that reason, big money people (billionaires) are pushing these business people to hire the deaf. Hope it works. This was the big story today.     Deaf jobs - latest update 08/11/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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