DeafDigest - 12 December 2012

 DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 12, 2012   -- Australia apologizes for taking a baby away from a deaf mother In 1966, Evelyn McDade gave birth and the baby was taken away from her for for adoption without her permission. Reason? The Australian government said she cannot raise children because of her deafness. She has been upset about it for a long time. Luckily, in 2004, her birth daughter found mother Evelyn. Since then they've been close. Last week Australian Premier Campbell Newman apologized to her for taking the baby away from her.   -- Cochlear Cup in a deaf sporting event? Two deaf teams play each other in a sport; the winner takes home the Cochlear Cup. This is not a joke. Cochlear Cup started in 2002, and this trophy goes to the winner of the Australia Deaf vs New Zealand Deaf match in rugby. Does Cochlear Cup have rules - only CI players could play? Non-CI allowed to play? And what if Deaflympics becomes Cochlearlympics? In the Deaflympics, the participants are not allowed to wear hearing aids or CI during competition.     -- Bieber sort of says "too bad, you are deaf" A deafened Oregon woman filed a 9 million dollar lawsuit against rock star Justin Bieber, saying that his extremely loud concert caused her to go deaf. Justin is trying very hard to get the judge to dismiss the lawsuit as silly. This is the attitude Bieber is saying - too bad, you are deaf!     -- Future hearing aids - no batteries! Battery manufacturers are not going to like it but future hearing aids may not require batteries! Scientists from MIT have invented a special hearing aid where the power comes from the ear itself. It is not yet ready for the market. The scientists were also asked if future CI may not require batteries. They said they don't know yet.   -- Future job for the deaf - accessibility auditor Jobs for the deaf come and go. But would there be a future for the deaf as Accessibility Auditor? Steven Mifsud, himself, deaf, owns a accessibility consulting business in United Kingdom. So far he has consulted 1,000 clients on their accessibility needs. Restaurants without cash register displays, no display captions in subways, handcuffing arrested deaf people behind their backs, kiosks for interpreters, etc. These are things that accessibility auditors look for.   12/09/12 Blue edition at: 12/09/12 Gold edition at:

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