DeafDigest - 12 December 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 12, 2013   -- more about the fake Mandela interpreter The fake interpreter has become year 2013's #1 deaf story. Newspapers all over the world ran stories about it. Some said he was sick, violent, saw angels, etc. He told one newspaper "I am a sign language champ"! Two things we should notice - South Africa does not have a RID; the government contracted with a fake interpreting agency, which then hired this fake interpreter! Shocking? Maybe not - Arkansas hired a person, a know-nothing ASL, to become a state interpreter. Arkansas Deaf Community screamed. The state director that hired her said she was qualified. If it happens in USA, it can also happen in South Africa, or anywhere. Very sad!   -- Big Lottery helping deaf clubs Funds from the Big Lottery will be helping deaf clubs train new leaders, establish goals, attract new members and maintain their club houses. Where? Sorry, not in USA - but in Wales, which is part of the United Kingdom.   -- Jewelry piece to help the deaf Many deaf people are self conscious of their hearing aids, not wanting to draw unwanted attention. NYU student Michelle Temple, working with her professor Eric Rosenthal has come up with a piece of jewelry. Hidden inside the jewelry is a hearing aid. Or is it really a hearing aid, or is it a sound amplifier? Many small manufacturers say their products are hearing aids, but are really sound amplifiers!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 12/08/13 Blue edition at: 12/08/13 Gold edition at:

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