DeafDigest - 12 February 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 12, 2014 -- Associated Press removing Fidel Castro's hearing aid! Fidel Castro, former ruler of Cuba, wears a hearing aid that the Cuban government did not want us to know. There was a picture of him, without his hearing aid. He did not take off his hearing aid. It was "removed" from the picture. Many angry people accused Associated Press of posting these faked Castro pictures. As a result, Associated Press has thrown out all Castro pictures from its archives!     -- the confusing Japan's Beethoven scandal Something strange is going on with Mamoru Samuragochi, who was past known as Japan's Beethoven. Japanese people loved him for years, thinking he was late deafened but was able to compose music like the original Beethoven. We have learned that he copied the music and that he was never deaf. Only today Samuragochi said that he was deaf in the past but not today. He continues to be something fishy.     -- Legend Films customer service rep does not know what CC is! A deaf person contacted the Legend Films, asking why some of their films were not captioned. The customer service rep said she has never heard of closed captions, and that it is something new to her! This deaf person was asking why some of the DVD's did not have the CC symbol on the cases. What is Legend Films? This company converts old movies for high tech filming.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 02/09/14 Blue edition at: 02/09/14 Gold edition at:

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