DeafDigest - 12 February 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 12, 2016 -- a big miracle for deaf to become doctors When a deaf person finally becomes a doctor, it is a big miracle. There was a story today of medical schools - that only one third of these schools are willing to help medical students that are deaf. Two thirds of these schools "reject" deaf applicants! They are rejected because of their deafness, and nothing to do with their qualifications. See the picture at:   -- Arizona too slow to give deaf 911 text access Many deaf people retire and move to Arizona because of warm weather and pleasant life style. Unfortunately ease of 911 text access is not part of that pleasant life style! As a result there is a lawsuit going on right now at the federal court about turtle-like speed the Arizona towns giving the deaf this 911-text access.     -- the deaf and the black hole gravitational waves Is black hole gravitational waves deaf-related? 1. research has cost $1 billion; deaf schools and agencies need money 2. discovery is same as deaf person quickly able to hear 3. discovery same as hearing a chirp (that deaf can hear with CI or hearing aid) 4. a retired Gallaudet science professor studies black holes during his free time     Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 02/07/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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