DeafDigest - 12 February 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 12, 2020 -- Netflix has been scolded Netflix has been scolded in a web posting that ran this headline: 15 Things Netflix Tried To Sweep Under The Rug (And Failed) It said that Netflix was not doing a good job with deaf accessibility, meaning captions, and even with subtitling errors.   -- police chief with degree in ASL interpreting It was announced today that Nick Hurley, the new police chief of Corvallis Police Department (Oregon - 58,000 people) has a degree in American Sign Language and English Interpretation from Western Oregon University. We would assume he is still fluent in ASL, and just hope he will have his police officers know what to do when they deal with the deaf.   -- controversial deaf vs controversial hearing in an election Connell Crooms, who is deaf, and was once beaten up by police, is challenging Kim Daniels, not deaf, but pushes Evangelism even as a public official. It is for a seat in Jacksonville, Florida city council. Tempers will be frayed among the opposing Jacksonville voters!     Deaf jobs - latest update 02/09/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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