DeafDigest - 12 January 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 12, 2021 -- these web accessibility lawsuits As recent as 2019, there were nearly 2,300 ADA Title III lawsuits because of web inaccessibility issues. 2020 stats is not yet available, but don't be surprised if the count has jumped to 3,000 or even 4,000 lawsuits!   -- association of architects and designers agree with deaf An association of architects and designers made a statement that deaf employees prefer their desks to face the room instead of facing the wall. For some reason, in many offices, deaf desks face the wall, which is what many deaf employees hate!   -- important for deaf that live in apartments Many deaf people live in apartments. It is very important that they be made aware of - Tenants' Rights Law; Fair Housing Act; best ways to communicate with the landlords; having flashing smoke signalers; having flashing doorbell signalers. Plus some other stuff.   Deaf jobs - latest update 01/10/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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