DeafDigest - 12 July 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 12, 2019 -- a hospital twist that is puzzling Blanchfield Army Community Hospital, Fort Campbell, KY, serves the military as well as non-military patients that live in the area. For deaf patients, VRI is offered. The newspaper story, however, did not say what happens if a deaf patient refuses VRI, preferring a live interpreter. The twist is that some of the hospital staffers get together twice a month to learn ASL via video chat. To teach the staffers some basic ASL but only to steer deaf patients towards VRI!   -- deaf on The Bachelorette reality TV We have many reality TV programs in USA. New Zealand is coming up with its own The Bachelorette New Zealand reality program. Six young women are auditioning to become the program's first Bachelorette. One of them is Lily McManus. She is said to have a hearing loss. According to TV insiders she is favored to win the audition. Does she use sign language? Probably not.     -- copying Sheetz Sheetz is well-known for highway convenience store/gas station stops in the eastern part of USA. Deaf people love Sheetz for one reason - touchpads that allow them to place meal orders without struggling in communications. Anyway Sheetz may have a copycat in Indiana. Which Wich Superior Sandwiches has opened up for business, with touchpads, in New Albany. The owners feel the deaf people will love these touchpads. The dream is that all food stores will offer touchpads in USA. It it realistic? Hope so!   Deaf jobs - latest update 07/07/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:  

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