DeafDigest - 12 June 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 12, 2014   -- Netflix's most popular deaf movie Netflix rates their sports movies. The second most popular movie is a Deaf Movie! It is "The Hammer" which profiles the fighting career of Matt Hamill. The actor that plays Matt Hamill is the hottest deaf actor - Russell Harvard. The most popular movie is The Perfect Game and the 3rd most popular is Happy Gilmore. This tells us that The Hammer is really a big time movie!   -- much easier now to contact FCC on your complaints In the past it was not easy to complain to the FCC. Now it is much easier. It now has a video service 844-432-2275 or 202-810-0444, Mondays thru Fridays, daytime hours. Problems with captions, lousy relay service, no weather emergency warnings, etc - just use you relay to contact FCC directly. But if there are no captions on a Saturday night TV program you have to wait until Monday morning to complain to the FCC. This is the bad part.   -- world's largest captions! Want to watch a TV program where the captions are very big? Titan, a British manufacturer, has built a new TV set, called Zeus. It is 26 feet wide and 16 feet high. Cost? Only 1.7 million dollars! DeafDigest imagines that the captions are very big. One problem - may be impossible to carry the Zeus set through the front door of a house.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 06/08/14 Blue edition at: 06/08/14 Gold edition at:    

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