DeafDigest - 12 June 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 12, 2020 -- the mask is a risk for one reason People who wear behind-the-ear hearing aids are taking a risk while wearing the mask! When they take off the mask, the strings may snag the hearing aid and pull it out. By the time the user is aware the hearing aid is missing, it may be too late to locate it on the grounds.   -- doctors that often disagree Doctors often disagree. This is the reason why many patients (both deaf and hearing) seek second, and even third opinions. One doctor may suggest cochlear implant while another doctor may suggest hearing aid. Which doctor is correct? Only the deaf patient will know what is the best answer after researching both sides.   -- A state agrees and then breaks the agreement Two years ago the Illinois Department of Corrections reached agreement regarding deaf prisoners that needed a 2nd hearing test if the first test failed them. Yet, this agreement was not honored, forcing a federal judge to punish the correction group once more again. Very disappointing for the state to mistreat the deaf prisoners.   Deaf jobs - latest update 06/07/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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