DeafDigest - 12 March 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 12, 2014 -- a hearing aid taken away from a deaf person Richard Norris, Jacksonville, FL, functions as a hearing person but wears hearing aids because of his deafness in both ears. He had a problem with the hearing aid so went to the dealer to get it fixed. Instead of fixing it, the dealer seized the hearing aid, saying it was not authorized by Medicaid, because of a change in policy. The Medicaid people said there were no changes in policy! In the meantime, Norris is lost without his hearing aid. DeafDigest hopes he will get his hearing aid back.   -- a TV program about Coda kids and deaf parents Ben, age 11 and Amy Kendall, age 8, both Codas, are the stars of a new TV program that will feature their deaf parents. The program is My Life: Signing Off, shown in the CBBC network in United Kingdom. This documentary will feature seven parts. They have been signing all their life to be able to communicate with everyone, including their older siblings.   -- voted as the most unpopular senator in USA Sen. John McCain was voted as the most unpopular senator according to a poll taken by the Public Policy Polling. What does this have to do with the deaf or of Gallaudet University? He served on the Gallaudet Board of Trustees during the Deaf President Now student protest. Could he have helped negotiate with the student leaders since he has a lot of political expertise? No, he simply walked away and quit!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 03/09/14 Blue edition at: 03/09/14 Gold edition at:

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