DeafDigest - 12 March 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 12, 2015 -- a possible job for the deaf in air flight field Could a deaf person find a job in the air flight field possibly as a pilot? A young deaf man is enrolled in classes at Air Flight. This organization's mission is to give opportunities to the deaf and the disabled in flight and aviation careers. This deaf man is Raymart Tinio.   -- gave up in a reality TV show with and a surprise Nina Poersch, who is deaf, has been eliminated from the Survivor: No Collar reality TV show. What happened? She was always complaining of being left out of the group activities because of her deafness. Her complaining made everyone uncomfortable. There was a surprise. Joe, who is not deaf, knew sign language because his mother was an interpreter. He tried to be her "best friend" but she avoided him. This was Nina's biggest mistake. While the TV audience loved her, this behavior turned off the cast members.   -- a shocking reason why an elected deaf politician quit Marisa Salzer, who is deaf, was an elected member of the council at Montesano City, Washington. She fought with the council on interpreting issues, going through six different interpreters until she was satisfied with the seventh interpreter. Yet, she suddenly quit, surprising everyone. Why? She accused the council of hassling her over a state law! It says that emails, discussing city business, is public record, even if these came from her private email address. Rather than to show the public her private emails, she quit.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest for subscription changes, go to, click "subscribe" icon & follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 3/8/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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