DeafDigest - 12 March 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 12, 2020 -- cancellation of Deaf Events The annual Dummy Hoy baseball and softball tournament was to take place next month at California School for the Deaf at Fremont. Because of Coronavirus, the tournament has been cancelled. DeafDigest is worried about other deaf political and social events lined up for the next few months. also Gallaudet upcoming athletic events cancelled Gallaudet’s baseball, softball and men’s and women’s track and field seasons are canceled, including spring break trips to Florida and North Carolina. No further competition and practices will take place for traditional and non-traditional sports. DeafDigest prays that Coronavirus will go away and everyone will stay healthy.     -- a flying machine deaf can fly, that hearing can't believe We have about 175 deaf pilots, just that they cannot land at radio-controlled airports (these big city airports). We have two known deaf helicopter pilots. What about deaf pilots of seaplanes? Don't know how many but we have one - Robert Rademacher, Rochester, NY. He said hearing people were shocked that a deaf person can fly a seaplane. What is next? A deaf astronaut that can fly to the moon! DeafDigest is not joking.     -- deaf owner of fashion company Gigi Caruso, who is deaf, owns a swimwear and activewear fashion company which is called Gigi C. It is based in Los Angeles and she is hoping the company will grow big as years go by. DeafDigest thinks she functions as a hearing person, not using ASL.     Deaf jobs - latest update 03/08/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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