DeafDigest - 12 May 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 12, 2020 -- deaf neighbor, hearing neighbor for 20 years A deaf person said in a posting: As a deaf person the only communications you have with your hearing neighbor for a long time (20 or more years) is waving "hi" when passing by each other on the street. That deaf person is correct.   -- CDI job description CDI is Certified Deaf Interpeter, a relatively new interpreting field that came up in the past decade. Exactly what does a CDI do? A newspaper headline said: Interpreting the interpreter The headline is correct.   -- a rally in Washington, DC A group of chartered bus company owners is staging a rally in Washington, DC to ask the government to save their businesses. One of the owners is Sandra Allen. She is deaf, but does not use ASL and functions as a hearing person.     Deaf jobs - latest update 05/10/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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