DeafDigest - 12 November 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 12, 2015   -- All-American Family deaf family on TV The "All-American Family" story will be shown on TV on Monday, Nov. 23 on CNN Digital. It is about the Eagles, an all-deaf football team. The story does not mention California School for the Deaf but the filming shows a very strong reference to that school, especially of the Pedersen family tree. For a picture of one of the football playing Pedersens:   -- deaf cannot run a business Deaf cannot run a business? This was the thinking among many people in the San Francisco area when Russell and Melody Stein, both deaf, wanted to open a pizzeria (named Mozzeria). The local government was not helpful when they wanted to fill out paperwork on various permits. Hearing customers thought the deaf cannot make great pizzas. Hearing people even thought deaf cannot make pizza deliveries by car! Fortunately, one by one these many obstacles were overcome. An important hearing person was a wine vendor who gave great advice on how to run a restaurant.   -- texting and doing something else Just today DeafDigest editor had an event that required an interpreter. He did a great job interpreting the event - but there was one shocker. He was texting while interpreting! Hard to believe. Text and play for the interpreter? No, he was worried about his next interpreting assignment.       Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 11/8/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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