DeafDigest - 12 November 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 12, 2018   -- being stared at A young deaf woman who works at a fast food restaurant said patrons often stare at her hearing aid. She hated being stared but has gotten used to it.   -- bad law in Florida In Florida, if a deaf person owns a condo and requests interpreter at association meetings, the law (Florida Statues Section 720.303(2)(a), says the association is not required to provide an interpreter! The law only requires that association provide physical accessibility, but not interpreter accesibility. What about Fair Housing Act? What about ADA? This is why we have too many attorneys that specialize in Disability Rights.   -- fake-deaf requesting an interpreter Police arrested a burglar. He was taken to the courtroom. This burglar requested a sign language interpreter. Everyone felt the burglar was faking his deafness, and his request was turned down. He filed an appeal and again it was turned down.     Deaf jobs - latest update 11/11/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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