DeafDigest - 12 October 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 12, 2015 morning -- Deaf Harassment or Deaf Hate It is a big issue among deaf activists in Great Britain - that police officers do not understand the difference between Deaf Harassment and Deaf Hate. If it is Hate, it is a crime and subject to arrest, but if it is Harrassment, it is not a crime!   -- Plasma job application discrimination case sent to jury A while ago DeafDigest mentioned a deaf woman being offered a job as a Plasma Technician and the job offer being withdrawn when it was realized she was deaf. She sued, but the employer won in district court. She then appealed, and the decision is that this case should go to jury. It has something to do with deaf woman claiming blood plasma machines can be outfitted with flashing signalers whereas the employer disagreed! Anyway, the case is being sent back to district court for the jury to decide.     past Mid-Week & morning editions: 10/11/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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