DeafDigest - 12 October 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 12, 2016   -- judge tells pregnant deaf attorney that deaf cannot be parents It only happens in Australia where deaf attorney Rania Saab, herself a mother of two, is told by the judge that the deaf cannot be parents! She was representing a deaf client, involved in a custody battle. She lost the case, saying discrimination against the deaf in Australia is pretty much bad. A picture is at:   -- deaf sleep vs hearing sleep When sleeping, do deaf dream better than hearing? Three researchers at the Bunkyo University in Japan ran a study, comparing a group of deaf sleepers and hearing sleepers. When they woke up, they were asked questions about their dreams. These reesarchers said deaf remember their dreams better than hearing!   -- text-writing during a robbery A hearing robber pointed a gun at a deaf man, who immediately said he was deaf. The robber then used his cell phone to type a text demanding money while at the same time holding his gun. The scared deaf man gave up his money, and the robber ran away. This is unusual - robbers tend to be panicky, don't do things carefully.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- not mentioning deafness in a magazine 10/09/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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