DeafDigest - 12 October 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 12, 2017   -- Halloween is coming up Halloween is coming up. Hush, a Netflix movie produced last year, was mentioned by a film critic as one of the best "overlooked" horror movies in history. Overlooked because it was not shown on big screen nor mentioned for any of the Academy awards. Anyway the lead deaf character in that movie was played by a hearing actress. Why? The director said he looked everywhere for a deaf actress and couldn't find any. Hint - Marlee Matlin, Shoshonnah Stern and others! A picture is at:   -- using magnet to fish junk out of rivers   A father and son team makes a living fishing junk out of rivers (and lakes) with magnets. One day they pulled out a hearing aid. This is a mystery; did the hearing aid slip out from a deaf person's ear into the waters? Or was the deaf person angry and threw away his hearing aid? These devices are pretty much expensive.   -- online petitions about deaf issues From time to time, when there is a hot deaf issue that gets a group of people angry, they post up an online petition asking for signatures. A critic said it is useless for one reason - proof of residency! There often is no way of knowing if these deaf names are local or out of town.   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- interpreters refused for non-americans 10/08/17 Blue and Gold editions at:   -- Deaf Job of the Day (each day new job announcement)

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